Associated Organizations

Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting on Playa Grande, Costa Rica.

Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting on Playa Grande, Costa Rica.

The Leatherback Trust

The Leatherback Trust is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the leatherback sea turtle. Their mission is to promote the conservation of leatherbacks and other turtles at risk of extinction. Eastern Pacific leatherback turtles are critically endangered. This population of sea turtles has declined by more than 98% since 1990. TLT is working to reverse this trend by tackling the 5 most deadly threats to leatherbacks and other sea turtles around the world. TLT scientists conduct research at nesting beaches and at sea, collecting critical data to support conservation interventions. TLT partner with communities to protect nesting beaches and work with governments to inform sustainable development and fisheries management priorities.

Equipo Tora Carey

Equipo Tora Carey (ETC) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) focused on Marine Resources, Conservation and Research. Officially registered in 2016, ETC is uniquely composed of academic biologists, fishermen, and local tourism operators. ETCs objective is to mobilize and empower local communities – the most important resource at the project’s disposal – to end the destruction of habitats and species on Costa Rica’s coast through science, education, conservation, and action!  ETC cares about all components of coastal marine ecosystems — but especially about the future of coastal fishing communities. ETC combines environmental education with scientific monitoring of marine resources. ETC believes in the importance of co-operation and creating a positive movement that involves everyone; people of all ages and from all walks of life joining the effort to protect our oceans. Positive actions bring about positive outcomes, but change must come today, because tomorrow may be too late.